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NEW: There will be a max of 5 adjustments made. Students with less than 5 classes will be limited to the # of classes they have. Students with MORE than 5 classes will have their lowest 5 classes added. Additionally, homeschool students where parents determine their grades will be separated as per below.
Thanks to a partnership with Cajun Archers Academy and the Louisiana Field Archery Association, we will be offering multiple academic/athletic scholarships! This is a new concept we are trying out... basically your SYWAB score ADJUSTED by grades. Great archer but bad grades? Bring them up and be more competitive! Can't Hit Anything Archer, but great grades? You have a chance! See below for adjustments.
During the last LFAA board meeting, we planned on putting $1,000 towards a scholarship award. Cajun Archers Academy generously agreed to match it! With a partnership from LFAA, we hit $3,000!
Scholarships are intended to be both a motivational award for aspiring archers as well as a thank you to Ms. Debbie Comeaux, Mr. Claude Matherne, Ms. Heather Kyzar, Mrs. Kelly Poindexter and Mr. Jodi Maxwell... they have been critical in creating a kid-friendly archery atmosphere in Louisiana and we are forever grateful (there are definitely others, but our funds are limited for now).
Until everything is finalized with the Louisiana Field Archery Association, the following scholarships are being announced. More will be added! Note that as a first year attempt, there will be hiccups. Please bear with us as we iron out details.
Each category will have ONE scholarship awarded. The age groups/gender eligible are detailed in parenthesis. e.g. JHS/MS/IS students will all be bundled into one group, and one scholarship awarded.
Compound Hunter (High School, Male and Female)
$600 Debbie Co'meaux-Money Scholarship
Compound Open (High School, Male and Female)
$350 Claude "Old-Man" Scholarship
Overall Highest Grades, tie-breaker by SYWAB Score
$350 Kelly "Keep Up the Grades" Poindexter Scholarship
Barebow/Recurve (JHS/MS/IS Male)
$350 Jody Max-Money-Well Scholarship
Barebow/Recurve (JHS/MS/IS Homeschool Female)
$125 Scholarship
Barebow/Recurve (JHS/MS/IS Homeschool Male)
$125 Scholarship
Compound Hunter (High School Homeschool, M and F)
$250 Scholarship
Genesis Barebow/Fingers will be included in Barebow/Recurve for scholarship purposes.
There are still $1,000 worth of awards that will be determined/named by the LFAA and it will be announced shortly.
For each scholarship above, winners will be determined by:
TOTAL SYWAB SCORE + Grade Adjustment below
Total SYWAB Score is your 3 best scores from the SYWAB circuit + SYWAB Championship Score.
For example:
Archer 1 has a total SYWAB score of 400.
If they have 5 classes, with 5 A+'s, their score gets 100 points added for scholarship purposes (Each A gets a +20 bonus).​
Their total score is 500.
Archer 2 has a total SYWAB score of 600, but is failing all 5 of their classes. Their score is reduced by 175 points (5 classes, -35 points for each F). Archer 1 beats archer 2.
D- / F
97 - 100
93 - 96
90 - 92
87 - 89
83 - 86
80 - 82
77 - 79
73 - 76
70 - 72
67 - 69
65 - 66
Below 65
Adjustment for each
+ 20
+ 15
+ 10
+ 5
No adjustment
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
- 30
- 35
+ 10
- 35
Awarding the Scholarship
To be eligible, students MUST bring their final/most recent (closest to the SYWAB championship date) official report cards to the SYWAB Championship (PRINTED). Since this is an academic + athletic scholarship, those without report cards will not be eligible.
Gotham Archery Baton Rouge LLC and Cajun Archers Academy LLC will be donating the money to LFAA to be awarded. As they are still working on paperwork, should the paperwork not be completed by the Championship date, Gotham Archery Baton Rouge LLC will issue checks to the archer's parents.
By accepting the check, parents agree that any pictures can be used to promote the LFAA and donors in future scholarship events.
In the event of any ties, either a shoot-off or a split will be performed at the sole-discretion/call of the donors.
In case of any disputes/disagreements, a board consisting of LFAA, Cajun, and Gotham members will make a final ruling. As of 10/20/24, a max total of $3,000 will be allocated toward the scholarships above for this year. If it goes well (please don't be the parent who ruins it for everyone :) ), we will explore future recurring scholarships.
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