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Shoot Your Way Across the Bayou (SYWAB)
SYWAB Championship is up for booking! Book at the bottom of this page. Make sure you reserve before spots fill up; once lines are filled, walk-ins will only be accommodated on a space available basis. We are not requiring pre-payment, just a courtesy RSVP. Lines/doors open up 30 minutes before the line time.
For those competing for the scholarship, bring a PRINTED copy of your report card. We will NOT accept "look at it on my phone."
Check out: Scholarships | gothamarchery
For FULL lines, no walk-in's will be accepted; E-mailing us to add does
not mean you are reserved.
Saturday 8:00AM, 10:00PM, 2:00PM
VEGAS (Second 30 arrows)
Sunday 8:00AM, 11:00AM, 2:00PM
Fees will be collected in CASH at the door as per the LFAA fee schedule.
Unfortunately, and we feel sad having to have to put this in writing... Due to past issues we must note the following policies in place:
- Young spectators MUST be accompanied and supervised by a designated guardian and not cause distractions to the archers / potential injuries; families with kids running wild will be asked to leave, especially those running onto a live line.
- Spectators will be on a space available basis and are expected to conduct themselves properly.
- STRICT No solicitation policy; unless otherwise pre-approved, please leave our other guests in peace to enjoy the event.
- Do not come in sick; no, we will not take your word it is "allergies" :)
- All entrants must have a liability waiver signed
- If a slot is filled, please e-mail us at at least a day before the event
- Parents are NOT to cross into the designated active area
- We reserve the right to reject/remove attendees/registrant.
This series is able to be conducted due to the hard work of the LFAA officials and participating clubs. Any issues that arise should be taken up directly with the corresponding parties in private; be mature and appreciative of everyone's efforts. This should be an enjoyable event, please follow the spirit of the event, and if that isn't possible, please skip our leg.
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